Unapproved document O
Unapproved doc O – design for ageing
Unapproved doc O – design for ageing
The Unapproved document part O is a speculation on how design for ageing could be described within the framework of the English building regulations. The unapproved document is not intended as a comprehensive set of design ‘solutions’, but aims to provoke consideration of some of the ways in which building design impacts older people, and provide possible routes for mitigating these.
Originally conceived as a workshop for the AHRA Industries of Architecture International Conference in 2014, extracts of the unapproved document were also published as part of the 2016 Routledge Publication Industries of Architecture, edited by Katie Lloyd Thomas, Tilo Amhoff and Nick Beech.
Unapproved document O – design for ageing (PDF, 1.4MB)